Akashic Record Readings, Soul Blueprint Life Maps, Spirit Guide Profiles, Energetic Property Clearings, Negative Entity & Energy Clearings, OracleCard Guidance and more.

Discover who you are at Soul level, develop your own inner compass to expand into your true potential, and SHINE! Soul Journeys, Guidance and Support to help you create a life you love

Soul Blueprint Life Map
Just some of the benefits of exploring and understanding your unique Soul Blueprint Life Map:

It can help you to navigate through life, change your results, and discover your true potential.

Life's journey is a lot like your social media feed; it constantly adjusts based on what you pay attention to. The Universe (AKA: ‘The Great Algorithm’) also self-adjusts and responds to your focus, and provides you with corresponding experiences.

By consciously choosing to focus more on your constructive traits and experiences (your Codes), you can influence your life outcomes. Often, we're unaware of this dynamic, but by exploring your Life Map, you gain clarity on what to focus on for optimal results. Your Map highlights your strengths, hurdles, shadow traits, and potential for deep fulfilment, acting as your personal compass to keep you on track and aligned with your purpose and staying in flow.

 Incredibly accurate and motivating! This (Life Map) has been the missing piece in helping me find clarity in what I want to do next in my life. Xina is amazing! 


 It was like 2 years of therapy in two hours! Xina is great to connect with, super easy to talk to and made the whole experience really comfortable. The tingles as things resonate or blockages start clearing is a fun bonus! And nobody can argue with the end results. More people should know about this! 

Jade, QLD

 3 years ago I felt like everything was in disarray; for some reason I landed at Xina’s shop looking at scarves and ended up having a card reading, this was the start of my awakening. Some guidance I took, others I ignored, in hindsight I should have taken more. I then bumped into the Divine Soul Magic website for a soul realignment and our paths crossed again this time in a deeper level and the soul realignment has been truly life changing and another level of awakening. She guided me through the the journey of raising my vibration, giving me nudges to keep going, including me in every opportunity to awaken from Soul alignment, negative entity clearing, transformation guide, gratitude boot camp. To date, I can say that while still in progress, I definitely feel that I am the power in my world, I speak my truth and live my truth. Having Xina as a spiritual coach is the one of the best blessing I got. 

Rachelle, NSW

 I have been using Xina's services for over four years now and I really love her style. The most authentic part is you know she communicates with your guides, or accesses your Akashic records, because the things she says give you an epiphany and tingles of knowing. It's not always good news or tasks, but you notice as you go forward that the main points she addresses comes up in your lifes situations, and if you take the hints or lessons she has channelled, you feel a synchronization in your experience. Highly recommend and will keep using Xina's services myself. 

Joshua, Japan

 Xina has facilitated lasting healings for me. Xina provides a safe, compassionate, intuitive and encouraging space to be vulnerable to and open to explore, expose and allow emotions, free of judgement. 

Rebecca, NSW

 Xina was fabulous, explained everything clearly and made me feel safe. I have no clue how she does everything but she is spot on with her comments and observations. I had a renewed sense of motivation and self reflection - a huge thank you! Life changing! 

Suzanne, Sweden

 Thanks so much Xina for your recent card reading, not only was it very positive, it was accurate as well! Love your private Facebook group, such an informative and uplifting support. 

Shell, NSW

 I noticed things shifting around in the days after my healing session, feeling more energetic. I liked the depth that it follows, the amazing and freeing information that is uncovered, and the energy sensations and shifts that occurred during the sessions. 

Leigh, NSW

 I have used several of Xina’s services and each time I am blown away by her skill, depth and compassion. Every engagement I have had with Xina has left me feeling positive and considerably lighter with a clarity I could never have achieve on my own. Her unique spin on things and gorgeous personality are priceless. I highly recommend her! 

Jane, NSW

 After the session I felt more in control. I felt safe to say things that had been buried, without judgement. 

Carole, NSW

 I felt relaxed and comfortable, and was able to move a little easier. The issue was totally gone the next day. Plus, I felt more at ease with my decisions that had shaped my past. Loved that this could be done remotely! 

Chris, NSW

 By the end of the session I felt calm, focused, and had significantly reduced issues. Xina stepped me through the process at a good pace and I felt she made sure I had time to ask questions when needed, but also time to sit quietly and absorb what she had told me. 

Amanda, SA

 I felt a lot more peace, calm, and clarity with life direction and health/life goals. I liked learning where current issues originated from. 

Kylie, QLD

Soul Journeying / Spiritual Awakening is not always easy. Sometimes it helps to see how someone else is navigating their way through, or just to see some different perspectives, thoughts and insights.

Musings on Life Maps
7 min read

"This absolutely blows me away! We now have a roadmap that shows us not only what we are fully equipped for, what the danger zones might be, but also what direction to head in!"

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Why is intention SO important?
3 min read

Whether it’s getting clear and setting intentions for the life you want to have, or setting intentions for the work you do with me, having clear, strong intentions is hugely important.

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Why we need to be CONNECTED whilst in isolation
3 min read

We need to be accountable. For our thoughts, actions, health, shadows, our light. Everything. When we shift blame, we give away our power.

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Negative Energy and Entities - do they affect me?
4 min read

We've all heard about 'good vibes', and probably heard about 'smudging' to get rid of the bad vibes - but should we be paying attention to these 'vibes'?

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Facing your Fears - WHY would anyone want to?
6 min read

Why do we usually run and hide from scary things? Those moving shadows as a kid were ALWAYS a non-event in the light of day, right?

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Property Clearings - What’s really going on?
5 min read

What IS an 'Energetic Property Clearing' - what does it do, what happens afterwards, and more importantly, why would anyone need one?

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Soul Realignment - Ummm, what exactly is that?
4 min read

Do you just *know* there's something more to the life you're currently living? Or you're feeling an inner urge to find or do 'something more'?

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  • Warranwood VIC, Australia

Holographic Soul Academy

Holographic Soul Academy

One of the very few people I've trained with who I wholeheartedly recommend. Paula's integrity has never faltered, and her passion for empowering people only continues to grow.

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