7 min read

(Grab yourself a cuppa.... I have a LOT of musings to share!)


Well first thing to know: this is 
not your ‘everyday reading’! This isn’t the same as getting a Tarot Card Reading at your local ‘Mind, Body, Spirit festival’! It’s not the same as getting a Psychic Reading that gives you several snippets of information. And it’s definitely not like a yearly Horoscope Reading. Please know that I love all of these options by the way. Your Astrology Chart is another one of your Soul Blueprints, and Card and Psychic Readings can often be incredibly valuable!

THIS, however, IS a reading that can GUIDE and EVOLVE WITH YOU throughout your entire life, and one that is laid out in writing for you to always refer back to.

So… let’s back up a little! Before you were born, your Soul considered all of its various karma needing to be balanced, lessons to be learned, various scenarios to be experienced, growth to be had, and the purpose for your particular life adventure. It assessed all possible ways to achieve and experience these, and it charted a course.

We each select a number of things (at Soul level) that create the foundation of who we are and how our life might be shaped. One of those things is our name.

Our Soul chooses our name before we are born, based on the frequency codes and the treasures they will provide access to. Essentially, our soul ‘channels’ our name to the best person open to receiving the hints, to ensure it’s the name we receive: this is usually one (or both) of our parents, but it can also be an Aunt, Uncle, other family members, future Adoptive Parents, or someone who somehow ‘magically appears’ to influence the decision of our name!

Our name emits a particular set of frequencies every time it is written, spoken, stamped and seen, and those frequencies provide us with certain coding. Each code brings with it a whole bunch of traits and possibilities to help influence and sculpt who we become and how we go about our journey. I think most people can accept at some level that our programming shapes us (especially from what we witness and experience in childhood), but when I think about how people react and respond in different ways despite similar situations, it makes sense that there is something that precedes the programming - and that is where our Soul Codes come in.

They help form our predispositions, what our shadow traits can be, our obstacles in life and the lessons we came here to experience. We can also find - via our codes - our talents, underlying objectives, and overall mission. This absolutely blows me away! We now have a roadmap that shows us not only what we are fully equipped for, what the danger zones might be, but also what direction to head in! And we can see how these things will affect us in the first part of our lives, up to the mid-30s to early 40’s, and then how they will change after that. Incredible!


First and foremost, to me our coding provides a certain ‘promise of who we can be’ as well as validating that we CAN in fact be as awesome as that little voice inside us whispers that we can be.

Life Maps can help make sense of who we are, why we might keep running into repeatedchallenges and patterns, and give directions to the destination of who we can be.

I remember when I first saw my own Codes several years ago… I’ll admit that it took me quite a long time to really recognise what I came here on Earth to do, and HOW I chose to do it. Perhaps even more telling is that I can look back to see how I naturally evolved towards these things… but then I’m also very aware of how much I notice patterns, signs and Universal nudges. Many people don’t - or at least, don’t quite trust or believe - and are somewhat more likely to feel stuck or stagnant in life. This breaks my heart.

Each time I look at my Codes, I find a new layer of depth and meaning that I just wasn’t able to see before. And, as I continue to evolve, I gain even more insight into my own possibilities! It reminds me of the game ‘Pass-the Parcel’… when I was a child I remember being at a birthday party playing this game, and each and every layer of hastily torn wrapping revealed a small toy or keepsake of some kind, as we hurtled forward, each one of us hoping that it would be US that got the final treasure! It’s the same with discovering yet another layer of acknowledgement and realisation of our Codes: each layer that is revealed gets us closer and closer to the actual gift, whilst also providing us with goodies along the way!


Being the mum of an almost-18 year old (at the time of writing this) I can see how my own understanding of my daughter’s Codes helps me to guide her when it comes to her shadow traits (existing and potential ones!) and helping her to tune in to her own emotions, experiences and goals to see how they line up with her codes.

It still amazes me that we can look at her Map and have a reasonable idea of what her life might ‘look like’ up to her mid-30s or so, and how that will both develop and change after that. I can already see how her Talents and Goals (again, existing as well as potential) align with her Soul Purpose, and having the ‘black and white’ information set out through her Life Map, has proven invaluable to me over these last few years in particular as she faces big changes and decisions as she takes steps towards adulthood.

The really beautiful part is that she can see that it makes sense, even if she can’t fully articulate it. It resonates on a level she can’t yet fully comprehend, but it’s enough for her to know that it feels right, and therefore helps her to recognise when she is playing out her shadow traits and challenges, and guides her in working towards tapping in to her inherent strengths and purpose. It provides her with a level of confidence that she IS on the right track. It’s possible for her to know that she has what it takes, and she’s aware that she still needs to develop certain skills and habits. Revisiting her coding helps her to feel more empowered to fully express her true self and pursue her goals with assurance, rather than slipping into the habit of dimming her light to blend in with those who aren’t even trying to commit to their own ambitions and personal power.

Oh I wish I’d known this information as a teenager! Or even in my 20’s. Or 30’s… you get the drift! Just because I’m in my 50’s doesn’t mean my Life Map is less valuable. In fact, because I can compare it to my past, it makes it somewhat easier to recognise the truth in what was mapped out, and thanks to my hard-earned wisdom of today, I can more easily recognise what is still in front of me. And I’m EXCITED about that potential!


There is more information in the Life Map FAQs, but basically, numerical values are assigned to the letters of your name. These are then sequenced in a specific order, taking into account certain letter combinations and the position of certain letters in your name that may give alternative numerical values. I then add together the various sequences and reduce the numbers down where required, to reveal which of the 22 Sacred Codes appear in your name, which then describe your Talents, Challenges, Goals and SoulPurpose. (I do this for both the earlier phase of your life as well as the later phase, which I refer to as Tangible and Ethereal phases.)

Note that our Birth Name frequencies and codes represent our core Mission and Structure in life and remains constant. However, changing or modifying our name (known as an OverlayName) will infuse new energy and direction, bringing additional layers of colour and flavour to our experiences. In some cases, our new name can even enhance, or clash with, certain elements of our birth name coding, but it will never replace them. (Again, more information on Overlay Names can be found in the FAQs)


This idea can keep me up at night: what if you thought the challenges you experience in life are just ‘bad luck’? Without recognising them, you might feel incredibly frustrated that the same patterns keep showing up over and over…. and over!

However, what if these challenges were actually chosen by your soul to work through, purely so you could overcome them, step into your bigger potential, and unlock even greater gifts? Often, it is through these very uncomfortable (and even unbearable) experiences that people develop a deep desire to help others, and gain the authenticity to do so.

The impact of seeing your potential shadow traits and habits in black and white can be incredibly empowering and transformative… although it can also feel like a slap in the face! But at least you have the choice now to confront and transcend the very things that might be holding you back. Knowing that you were coded for greatness on the other hand, feels so uplifting! You can move forward knowing that it is within your abilities to overcome your shadows and step into your full power.

Now imagine discovering some of your talents are the things you perhaps take for granted and didn’t see as anything special or valuable? By focusing more on these strengths, you could ‘work smarter, not harder’, making it easier to create and live a life that you cherish?

Your Life Map can illuminate both perceived limitations, as well as the immense strengths within your personality and behaviour. Often, we don’t recognise our gifts because we’ve always had them, which can lead to underutilisation. Using these natural strengths helps life flow more effortlessly.

Our Codes are the guiding arrows on our life journey. When the shadow traits are in play, it’s a sign that we need to change course and leave behind excess baggage! The positive traits help keep us heading towards our potential, greatest joy and fulfilment.


At a cross-roads in relation to your career? Look at your Talents and Goals and see what best aligns with whatever possibilities you’re thinking of. And if you’re not even sure what the possibilities are, use the information in the (Advanced) Life Map for inspiration!

Find yourself living Groundhog Day? Open your Map, and dive into your Challenge Codes firstly. Then check if you have any Polarity Themes in any of your Codes that still need to be addressed. Finally, look at all the shadow traits in each area: Talents, Challenges, Goals and Soul Purpose. You need to be honest with yourself, but if you can recognise which of the shadow traits you’re seemingly stuck in, you’re on the road to being able to steer back into the right direction.

The BIGGEST reason I find the Codes so useful, and WHY I’m dedicated to helping decipher and apply these Codes is because I SEE your potential. Many times I FEEL it on some level before I even speak to you! However, even if I point it out, it’s easy for you to shrug it off. Having the details laid out in front of you, knowing that this information comes from YOUR name (and not your Spirit Guides or your Akashic Records) may just be the very validation that is required for you to believe that you ARE coded for so much more than you realise!

These Maps can help you gain a much deeper understanding of your own life, and even of others when you grasp the concept that everyone is uniquely ‘configured’. Not everyone is designed to understand or build complex structures, stand confidently on a large stage, have the compassion and dedication to care for those in need, or teach in such a way that is valued and heard for example.

I observe so many people struggle in life. I have seen (and experienced) the repeated negative patterns that people seem to accept as ‘normal’, and I almost want to SCREAM that it doesn’t need to be this way. It doesn’t matter if I’ve not yet had the opportunity to meet you; I ALREADY KNOW that you are in fact capable of so much more. I know that you experience limitations and persistent obstacles that you don’t need to continue with. And I know that somewhere deep inside, you have dreams that possibly feel so unattainable or that you don’t even feel that you deserve them. And, quite simply, I want everyone to know that you CAN overcome the setbacks, you ARE coded to be an even more awesome version of who you are now, and you ARE 100% WORTHY of achieving your dreams and loving every inch of your life!

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