Your Life Map provides keys to self-discovery and guidance. Whether you’re feeling stuck, seeking purpose, navigating life’s challenges, or simply aiming for a deeper understanding of yourself or your loved ones, a Life Map offers powerful insights. Understand your strengths, transcend shadow patterns, align with your soul’s bigger purpose and be empowered to embrace your full potential and consciously shape a life that reflects your deepest desires and unique brilliance. (**SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE INFORMATION, and OPTIONS FOR TYPES OF READING AVAILABLE!**)


Starting from $95 up to $990: Choose your Level: *
Full Birth Name, EXACTLY as per Birth Certificate: *
Date/ Place of Birth (Advanced, In-Depth, Journey):
Overlays (For Advanced, In-Depth, Journey):

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What if you could have an overview that outlines the foundations of your POTENTIAL, your CHALLENGES, and your SHADOWS?

Furthermore, understanding your Soul Blueprint Life Map Coding can help you not only to navigate through life but also enable you to change your results!

  Unlock Your True Potential: Discover your soul’s strengths, challenges, goals and purpose through the frequency codes of your name
  Transform Obstacles into Gifts: Identify and turn your shadows into powerful assets
  Navigate Life’s Path: Use your Life Map as a guide to align with your true north and achieve your goals
  Evolve with Your Journey: Gain insights that adapt as you grow and navigate through different stages of life
  Support Your Children’s Growth: Help nurture their strengths, recognise their shadows, and empower them to navigate life with confidence

"A map is a powerful tool for understanding and interacting with the world, providing a framework for navigation, overall direction, alternative routes and useful information”

Similarly, your LIFE MAP serves as a foundational BLUEPRINT of who you are, including your predispositions, what talents and gifts are available to you, what some of your obstacles might be, the goals that silently motivate you, and your overall reason and purpose for being here.

Knowing how you are coded can be incredibly empowering and uplifting, making sense of both your strengths and shadows. What if you understood that you were coded for greatness in quite a specific way? 

It might be TOTALLY within your ability to be a catalyst for incredible change, a futuristic business leader, a compassionate carer, a trailblazer, or a genius - amongst many other things, but perhaps you have found it challenging to even recognise that? If you could see that you are coded to be successful in performing arts, as a writer, a leader, or a teacher, (as just some possibilities), and that those dreams you’ve held close but perhaps never dared to voice are actually your soul’s greatest desires... would you nurture those visions and aspirations? If you knew how your children are coded, would that help you to support and direct THEIR talents and aspirations, and help them to view any shadow traits as helpful flags so they can overcome them before they take hold?

What if you knew that your soul actually chose certain experiences such as disempowerment, addictions, procrastination, or anxiety, not as inherent flaws but as opportunities for you to overcome and unlock even greater gifts than those you already possess? The Life Map helps to identify and name these shadows, helping to turn them into your greatest strengths. By acknowledging that challenges and difficult traits like addictions, perfectionism, insecurity, and hiding your true identity for example, are simply the shadow side of the brilliance you are coded to be, you can begin to address and transcend them. They are not just 'bad luck' - these shadows are more like 'glitches' in how you express yourself, rather than defining who you are at your core.

Each Code in our name will have a particular set of traits; both positive, as well as what may be perceived as negative. Transmuting these obstacles into empowering traits not only makes life more manageable, but enhances your abilities and propels you towards your highest aspirations.

Our name IS our frequency; it serves as a foundational blueprint for who we are in this lifetime.

Our name frequency reveals general structural patterns within each code we have, that helps shape the gifts and talents we can develop and utilise. It also highlights the challenges set up as hurdles (or struggles) that might be karmic or part of our soul’s chosen experiences. Sometimes we actually need to confront adversity to truly appreciate, understand, and even share our gifts.

Our Life Map not only shows us our goals and direction but also our overall life purpose. It’s fascinating to see how these elements are intertwined. We need to leverage our gifts and strengths to overcome obstacles, reach our goals, and ultimately fulfill our soul’s purpose. This is why it’s called a ‘Life Map’ - it guides us towards our ‘true north,’ allowing us to course-correct as we move towards our ultimate destination of attaining our full potential and fulfilling our mission.

We generally have two stages of life: Our Tangible stage, being from birth up to around mid-30s or so, then we start to move more fully into our Ethereal, more spiritual stage. Each of those stages can have completely different sets of codes! Sometimes the transition from one phase to the next can be confusing, which can often translate as being a 'mid-life crisis'. Knowing in advance (or in retrospect) how our Codes - and therefore our Talents, Challenges, and Goals - differ between Tangible and Ethereal, can assist with unravelling any confusion, clarify our news goals, and provide us with aligned direction and purpose.

For more detailed information, explore the LIFE MAP FAQsor read the Musings on Life Maps BLOG post

...Click below to open a new page with larger images and more detail

OK, so bottom line: everyone! However.... I am well aware that not everyone is called to look inwards and learn more about themselves at this level. (I believe more and more people are starting their 'search' though, and this will continue to grow in the coming years)

With that in mind, and remembering that the Life Map reading holds transformative potential for everyone, following is who I see as being able to gain the most from this profound experience:

- Those who are already doing some 'inner work'
- People wanting clarity, or who are wanting to make sense of what their life is and has been
- Individuals sensing a greater purpose, who feel there is 'something more' to life than what they see now
- Those seeking direction and guidance towards a more authentic and fulfilling life
- Anyone who is willing to really step into their greatest potential and embrace their gifts and talents
- Those wanting to explore Shadow Work, but don't know what their Shadows are or are uncertain where to begin
- Parents! Students! Especially for High School or Uni students who are faced with making choices about what direction they wish to go in terms of career. (Understanding your potentials at this age, for both immediate years and later years, can be invaluable. For parents, it can help to guide our kids according to who they really are)
- Anyone navigating pivotal life transitions, or unsure about their trajectory
- Mid to late 30's people experiencing shifts in values and priorities
- Anyone who may be feeling disconnected, blocked, isolated, unsure about their career, relationships, current life choices
- Individuals willing to be accountable for the results they are creating; the 'good' stuff, and the 'not-so-good' stuff!
- Anyone wanting to be an even better version of themselves and be in alignment on their ascension journey, no matter where they are in life

Our Birth Name can be considered our overall Mission and Structure in life. It will not change. We can, however, update or enhance our name vibration and give it new energy and direction to an extent (and therefore, to our life experience also), through modifying or changing our name. This will never replace or alter our original Map or Mission, but it will definitely give some extra splashes of colour and flavour.

Something like shortening our first name, or dropping our middle name in day-to-day life is a very common thing to do, and because that ‘new’ name is repeatedly written and spoken, it gives an additional layer (which is called an Overlay Name in your report - if applicable). Sometimes we change our name after marriage, or we might even choose a whole new identity and name for various reasons. Again, even with an entirely new name, we will never alter or replace our original soul plan. The longer we use an overlay name however, the more depth it will take on and will influence our original plan.

Pet-names / nick-names don’t generally count as an overlay name however.

Probably the easiest scenario to envisage is how you usually write your name on ‘semi-official’ paperwork or how you introduce yourself when you include your surname. What name do you use on your social media profiles, general form-filling, email accounts and signatures, parcel deliveries etc. (The more ‘official’ paperwork such as passport, mortgage, tax info etc will generally be your full birth name.)

If, for example, your name is Christoper or Christine, but everyone calls you Chris, you would probably only consider this as an overlay name if you specifically use Chris with your last name on the examples listed above. Otherwise, Chris, Chrissy etc would be considered a nickname only, especially if rarely used.

In some cases, our overlay name(s) could actually clash with our birth name codes, and make some things even more challenging! (This could also be viewed as a ‘fast-track’ though so definitely not to be interpreted as a negative thing!) Other times the new codes may add a level of harmony or added activation to our talents. As a general guide, Overlay Names will add depth as to how our Mission might play out.

Example of Overlay Names:
- Birth Name: Elizabeth Jane Doe
- Up to mid-20's, she uses the name Elizabeth Doe. Although friends and family may call her Lizzie, she does not use this name when she completes various application forms, her email signature, her social media account name, work name badge etc. Elizabeth Doe is an OVERLAY Name #1, but Lizzie Doe is not.
- Around age 26, Elizabeth decides she does not want to use this name anymore, and legally changes her name to Jane Doe, dropping 'Elizabeth'. This is now OVERLAY Name #2 (even if this was not legally changed, as this is the name now always used, it's an Overlay)
- Jane gets married at age 35 and decides to use her partner's name, and again legally changes her name, but also decides to add 'Elizabeth' back in as a middle name. Officially, she is now Jane Elizabeth Parks. This could be considered an OVERLAY Name but because she doesn't actually use her middle name at all, and introduces herself as Jane Parks (the name she now uses on forms, emails etc) we would only look at Jane Parks as OVERLAY Name #3, since this is the name that is now being spoken and written.

If you're unsure about which - if any - of your names would be an Overlay, we can certainly discuss!

Using the exact name that is on your Birth Certificate (as well as other names in separate calculations for Overlays), numerical values are assigned to individual letters as well as to certain combinations of letters.

Those numerical values are then placed in specific sequences. Specific groups of numbers are then added together, and in some cases, reduced down to a smaller number. Depending on the group of numbers that have been added from the number sequences, this gives us particular Codes for different aspects (such as Talents, Challenges etc).

The Codes not only 'interact' with each other, but they will also interact with any other names you are known by throughout your life.

This system is based on an ancient form of Gematria and the 22 Letters of the Hebrew alphabet. I have also brought in meanings and aspects of the ancient Phoenician alphabet, too.

After working with these Codes for several years, I am still astounded at just how deep and complex this system is, how incredibly accurate it is, and just how much our names reveal and form the framework of our life - whilst still allowing freedom to choose how we wish to create our life!

Wikipedia: "Gematria is the practice of assigning a numerical value to a name, word or phrase by reading it as a number, or sometimes by using an alphanumerical cipher. The letters of the alphabets involved have standard numerical values, but a word can yield several values if a cipher is used"
The 'Soul Blueprint Life Map Sacred Code Clearing, Activation and Upgrade' (AKA: 'Code Clearing'!) is to help minimise any shadow traits playing out for you, and to call in more of the positive traits available.

It calls for a clearing, re-programming, activation and upgrade of your Life Map Coding, as well as requesting a balancing of all Polarity Themes.

It calls in for you guidance and blessings, as well as requesting for the dissolving of lower vibrations, illusions, negative karma, and limiting patterns relating to your Codes.

The clearing and attunement is placed into your Akashic Records, as well as being requested throughout your 12 Chakras, your DNA, and your Energy Field.

(I also utilise a number of other energy tools as part of the Clearing and Upgrade. These include the use of Tachyon Stones, Crystals and Gemstones, Sacred Geometry, Healing Grids, and my Healy Frequency Device to bring in additional helpful frequencies, and then send these out into your Field)

Once I have completed the Clearing and Upgrade process, you'll be given a much shorter and condensed version, which I refer to as 'homework'. This will be 2 pages of text to be read by you each day for 22 consecutive days, since it is important that you activate and 'lock in' the process that I have completed and requested for you.

In addition, you will also receive an image to help you visualise the 12 Chakras, should you wish to incorporate these into your 22 days of homework and beyond!