Once you have had your Life Map profiled by me, but have an Overlay Name that you would like to find out the basic traits it brings, please add this to your order. See below for further details about Overlay Names.


Overlay Names: *

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Our Birth Name can be considered our overall Mission and Structure in life. It will not change. We can, however, update or enhance our name vibration and give it new energy and direction to an extent (and therefore, to our life experience also), through modifying or changing our name. This will never replace or alter our original Map or Mission, but it will definitely give some extra splashes of colour and flavour.

Something like shortening our first name, or dropping our middle name in day-to-day life is a very common thing to do, and because that ‘new’ name is repeatedly written and spoken, it gives an additional layer (which is called an Overlay Name in your report - if applicable). Sometimes we change our name after marriage, or we might even choose a whole new identity and name for various reasons. Again, even with an entirely new name, we will never alter or replace our original soul plan. The longer we use an overlay name however, the more depth it will take on and will influence our original plan.

Pet-names / nick-names don’t generally count as an overlay name however. Probably the easiest scenario to envisage is how you usually write your name on ‘semi-official’ paperwork or how you introduce yourself when you include your surname. What name do you use on your social media profiles, general form-filling, email accounts and signatures, parcel deliveries etc. (The more ‘official’ paperwork such as passport, mortgage, tax info etc will generally be your full birth name.)

If, for example, your name is Christoper or Christine, but everyone calls you Chris, you would probably only consider this as an overlay name if you specifically use Chris with your last name on the examples listed above. Otherwise, Chris, Chrissy etc would be considered a nickname only, especially if rarely used.

In some cases, our overlay name(s) could actually clash with our birth name codes, and make some things even more challenging! (This could also be viewed as a ‘fast-track’ though so definitely not to be interpreted as a negative thing!) Other times the new codes may add a level of harmony or added activation to our talents. As a general guide, Overlay Names will add depth as to how our Mission might play out.

Example of Overlay Names:
- Birth Name: Elizabeth Jane Doe
- Up to mid-20's, she uses the name Elizabeth Doe. Although friends and family may call her Lizzie, she does not use this name when she completes various application forms, her email signature, her social media account name, work name badge etc. Elizabeth Doe is an OVERLAY Name #1, but Lizzie Doe is not.
- Around age 26, Elizabeth decides she does not want to use this name anymore, and legally changes her name to Jane Doe, dropping 'Elizabeth'. This is now OVERLAY Name #2 (even if this was not legally changed, as this is the name now always used, it's an Overlay)
- Jane gets married at age 35 and decides to use her partner's name, and again legally changes her name, but also decides to add 'Elizabeth' back in as a middle name. Officially, she is now Jane Elizabeth Parks. This could be considered an OVERLAY Name but because she doesn't actually use her middle name at all, and introduces herself as Jane Parks (the name she now uses on forms, emails etc) we would only look at Jane Parks as OVERLAY Name #3, since this is the name that is now being spoken and written.

(If you're unsure about which - if any - of your names would be an Overlay, we can certainly discuss!)