To book a Code Clearing (at any time, even if your Life Map reading was many months or years ago!) please add this to your order, and I will be in touch soon to arrange this!


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The 'Soul Blueprint Life Map Sacred Code Clearing and Upgrade' (ie: 'Code Clearing') is to help minimise any shadow traits playing out for you, and to call in more of the positive traits available.

It calls for a clearing, re-programming, activation and upgrade of your Life Map Coding, as well as requesting a balancing of all Polarity Themes.

It calls in guidance and blessings for you, as well as requesting for the dissolving of lower vibrations, illusions, negative karma, and limiting patterns relating to your Codes.

The clearing and attunement is placed into your Akashic Records, as well as being requested throughout your 12 Chakras, your DNA, and your Energy Field.

(I also utilise a number of other energy tools as part of the Clearing and Upgrade. These include the use of Tachyon Stones, Crystals and Gemstones, Sacred Geometry, Healing Grids, and my Healy Frequency Device to bring in additional helpful frequencies, and then send these out into your Field)

Once I have completed the Clearing and Upgrade process, you'll be given a much shorter and condensed version, which I refer to as 'homework'

This will be 2 pages of text to be read by you each day for 22 consecutive days, since it is important that you activate and 'lock in' the process that I have completed and requested for you.

In addition, you will also receive an image to help you visualise the 12 Chakras, should you wish to incorporate these into your 22 days of homework and beyond!