Designed to amplify your New Moon intentions, request your Guides to assist you with taking new action, amplify healing to yourself and to Mother Earth.
*** Please note, DSM will be CLOSED between Dec 20th and Jan 20th ***
Includes the frequency tones of: Black Diamond Ray, Opalescent Ray, Flower of Life.
To assist with Releasing, Letting Go whatever no longer serves you, Clearing, Healing for yourself as well as the planet, Transmuting low vibrations, and dissolving the veils of illusion for Humanity,
You can watch the video and 'think' about your intentions, although I strongly recommend writing them down as well. (A Moon Journal for your New and Full Moon wishes is a really nice way to tune in twice a month to refine what you want to begin, bring in, align to as well as what you can let go of/ what no longer serves)
The main purpose of this activation is:
To amplify your Full Moon intentions, request your Guides to assist you with releasing that which no longer serves you, and to call in healing in alignment with your Highest Path and Purpose.
Can be activated by: Watching the video or saying/intending “I now activate the DSM (Divine Soul Magic) Full Moon Release” (however I really suggest watching it several times before just verbally activating it)
The activation of this will run for 3 days each time you watch it.
Music by Blaze, licensed via Soundstripe